4 Every Girl is a national movement that will have a positive and profound impact on the lives of millions of girls across our Nation. By working together, we can change the way all forms our entertainment media see and portray girls, so our girls will see and value themselves as positive, intelligent strong and creative.

For young girls, a troubling new trend has surfaced. Unhealthy media images are everywhere. The impact of these images shows up in many ways: substance abuse, eating disorders, poor self-image, depression, promiscuity and acceptance of stereotypes—just to name a few.
Young girls need to feel valued for more than their bodies. They are so much more than that. WE are so much more than that.
Together we can make a difference! For our mothers, our daughters, our sisters… for Every Girl. Please join us!
What Can You Do Today?
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4 Every Girl is proud to partner with the following organizations:

Stand Out From THE Crowd
We are defined by who we are, not by what they say we should look like.